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An Introduction to Machine Learning : Everything you need to know !

  Introduction: What is Machine Learning? image credit :- Towards data science  Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence concerned with developing programs that can allow the machine or robot to do things without any human interference or any instructions given. The machine will be able to understand things by using previous data and experience. It will be a lot more productive for humans because then Robots will be able to perform tasks faster and independently which otherwise humans will need to do. Machine-learned models will be able to run on data sets. Machine Learning is often considered a part of  2nd or 3rd Generation of Artificial Intelligence.  Applications of Machine Learning:-  1. STOCK MARKET TRADING:-  Image credit:- iStock In the stock market, there is always a risk of crashes and rises. Due to this Machine Learning's Long Short term memory is used. It is a Neural network that is used to analyse the data.  2. MEDICAL DIAGN...

A Dive Into Back-End Coding: A Comprehensive Guide

 Introduction :

Back-end coding is the server logic that is behind the working of all websites and apps. It includes all the code necessary to make the databases, servers, and applications. I believe Back-end coding might be tougher to learn than front-end coding. This is usually driven by JavaScript, HTML CSS, and various front-end frameworks.

What is Back-End Coding (Simplified)?

If you are not a coder or if you are still a beginner then concepts like Back-end coding can be really tough to understand, But you need not worry, I will explain it to you in a very simplified manner!

As I said earlier and as you can see on the image given above, the front end works on the idea of what to show to the site visitor. I will soon post a blog on front-end coding, so stay tuned for that. Now coming back to the topic, the Back end works based on controlling all the databases. You can understand it as a Behind The Scenes place. All of you have watched a Mr Beast Video at least once. Just Imagine How many takes and backstage things would have been done to just create the video. The Video that is shown to the viewers might be called a Front end but all the practice, shooting, backstage arrangements, bringing contestants, etc. This is exactly like our Back-end coding. 
image credit:- Upwork 

What does a Back-end coder do?

Now that you have got an introduction to what back-end coding is; Let's understand what does a Back-end coder do? A Back-end coder's job is mainly focused on website architecture, building, scripting, and writing code that communicates between the website's database and the user. But being a back-end coder is not a piece of cake. 

Skills Required to be a Back-end coder. 

A Back-end coder, as I mentioned is not an easy job and hence a back-end coder is required to have a special skill set like:- 

1. Python 
2. Java 
3. SQL 
4. Communication 
5. Git 
6. CSS 
7. HTML 


API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the term "application" refers to a piece of software with a specific functionality. An interface can be thought of as a service contract between two applications. The contract defines how the two communicate using request and response.

Types of API : 
1. Private API 
2. Public API 
3. Partner API 
4. Composite API  
6. Remote API 

Tools of Back-end development :

There are several tools available for back-end development. Some of these tools are: 

1. Languages:-
  a. Java 
  b. Python 
  c. PHP 

2.  Frameworks:- 
   a. Express.js 
   d. Spring 

3.  Databases:- 
     a. MySQL 

4. Hosting Services

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Writer :- Aarav Misra 
Instagram User Name  :- aarav_misra19


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